8th of March: Women’s Day

8 March 2017 at 15 h 30 min


In the GLobal Gender Gap Report, France is only 17th behind Germany which is 13th. UK is 20th. United States is 45th. China is 99th. Japan 111th. Saudi Arabia 141th.

This report is based on four main indicators:

– access to education

– health and life expectancy

– political empowerment

– participation and economic opportunities.

You might think France is not so bad… and yet:

75% of women earn less than their husbands. At equivalent positions and experience, women earn 12.8% less than men.

80% of women consider that they are regularly confronted with sexist attitudes or decisions.

20% of working women have had to face sexual harassment during their working lives.

80% of women do domestic work. Whether they have jobs or not, women spend the most time: 3h26 versus 2h for men.

Only 26.9% of women are members of the National Assembly. At the current rate of increase in the number of seats obtained by women, parity should be reached … in 25 years. Yay!

Try to imagine what women have to face in all the countries placed under the 17th position …

It’s 2017. It’s better than it was 50 years ago, but it’s still not great. As long as parity in work, politics, health, couple… will not be reached, we will need to celebrate March 8th. Not to be beautiful or to receive flowers or to shop but to fight for our rights as a human being.

It’s not only a Women’s fight but the one of anyone who wants to achieve equality of beings who live in the same country, on the same planet. The measure of this gender gap shows the level of civilization of a society.

What can we do? Speak, share, keep yourself informed. And keep in mind that nothing is ever granted.

I wish you a great day!

