The more Christmas approaches, the more we want to spoil our little boy. Is it normal or are we nuts? Now the tricky question : is Santa Claus...
By LaPtiteLu
Everybody talk about pollution in China. But seriously, what has been done about it?
No sorting out waste, excessive plastic packaging, single-use and disposable products, overconsumption, waste… China is not exactly an eco-friendly country.
But nothing prevents us for doing something on our own:
refusing plastic bags, carrying our own bottle of water rather than buying plastic ones, reusing rather than throwing away, buying less but better…
Making your compost bin is also an eco-friendly way to fight pollution. It’s easy and you don’t even have the excuse of not having a balcony or a garden.
It was Alizée who explained to me how to do it. Alizée is a young Belgian woman who took the challenge Zero Waste for a year. Which means that she doesn’t produce any non-organic waste.
As you can imagine, it’s not so easy. Especially in China. Her initiative inspired other people around her and by word of mouth the Zero Waste movement took on a certain magnitude in a few months. Today, with her team, ZWS (Zero Waste Shanghai) organizes workshops, events and other products and services will soon be available for anyone wanting to be part of the change.
If you want to know more, you can visit her blog that provides many advices and tips to avoid waste.
And you, how do you feel about this issue? Do you have any eco-friendly way to fight the pollution? Or you don’t care?
Have a nice sunny day!
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