The ECO-friendly tips N°1 of LaPtiteLu

23 August 2017 at 15 h 30 min


As you can see, I start with an easy gesture. This one is totally doable. It was my very first eco-friendly gesture, after realizing that I had dozens of plastic bags piled up in my drawers.

Plastic bags are a real plague: on average 400 bags per person per year that end up in the nature, the ocean or in a landfill that polute soil, water, air… we will live better without them.

We all have tote bags or reusable fabric bags stowed somewhere. Take them to do your grocery shopping, clothes shopping or anything that require bag. And if one day you forget it, it ‘s ok, you will think about it next time, and eventually, it will become an habbit so you will leave one in your handbag. No need to put your fruits and vegetables in small individual plastic bags, they can all fit in your fabric bag!

How do you feel about this one? Doable for you?

Stay tuned for the tips N°2 😉

Have a nice day!

